How are you feeling in these crazy energies? NEW FORUM!

  • How are you feeling in these crazy energies? NEW FORUM!

    Posted by Roxane on February 17, 2024 at 9:18 pm

    Let’s keep in touch, how are you doing lately? I’ve created a new forum for anybody to post!

    Camille replied 7 months, 2 weeks ago 8 Members · 20 Replies
  • 20 Replies
  • Jaco

    February 18, 2024 at 3:15 am

    The last couple of days / weeks has been the strangest I’ve ever ecperience. Feeling like my body is on fire, feeling light headed and almost collapsing at work, having strange dreams and hearing very loud popping like sounds when I’m attempting to get some sleep. Also, sleep, especially at night is a luxury these days. And the headaches and body aches. Waking up with strange upper back pain, without having done any strenuous exercise or anything of the sorts. Never felt so crap in my life! 😣

    • ouro.9

      February 23, 2024 at 12:32 am

      neck and trapezius, shoulder region and sometimes referring down to the shoulder? also, if you’ve gone to the doctor and they try to tell you that you’re chronic and all they can do is give you drugs or PT to “MANAGE” it, don’t buy that corporate, for profit BS and go check out dr. john sarno’s work. research. science backed, 24+ years of study at the time of his 3rd book having been published in the 90’s. and then howard schubiner and others of his innovative ilk whom carried on his work after he passed. truly helped me so much, along with finding roxy’s youtube channel and consequentially EARTH1111

      • Jaco

        February 25, 2024 at 8:50 am

        Thank you for your comment and advice. Much appreciated 🙏 I am following up and will be doing my research into dr. John E. Sarno

        • ouro.9

          February 26, 2024 at 1:29 am

          yeah totally dude. it’s the epitome of compassionate, medical academia and the pursuit of truth and actually helping, healing people. the modern healthcare industry is embarrassing, depressingly apathetic and just flat out evil. humans and returning their lives back to them is the LEAST of their worries. gotta fight for our lives in this world. and however hard adn tough that is, it also teaches us TO TRULY LEARN WHAT IT MEANS TO LOVE OURSELVES. protect that inner child that’s looking to the parent in you for guidance and safety AT ALL COSTS, JACO!!! take care namaste

  • EricHinkle

    February 20, 2024 at 9:24 am

    Even the charts/ graphs/ and numbers are not showing much, i feel something. starting earlier in day now for me. was 1130 est, now 0930 – yesterday light heart. today tired now 1217pm [woke up at 3am, body telling me break time now] with medium heart beating. not heavy yet. i always feel it coming ahead of time. still knocking down doors and kicking as on my stuff in between integration time, which has been going longer tho. yesterday i was going strong all day. time flew by literally.

    • Roxane

      February 21, 2024 at 2:58 am

      So true! I don’t think the charts are showing us much anymore lol… I do know we are in a major shadow squeeze that will continue with this chiron/north node activation… I heard this place in the sky/grid will have most planets squeezing into a stellium I think they call it into April… so much planets will be all in the same Aries area… continuing to activate this healing of the SELF. I’m with you brother! Thanks for sharing, I slept like 12 hours last night after I finally fell asleep, woke up feeling good actually for once after yesterday my stomach was bloating RA centre shifting lol

      • EricHinkle

        February 22, 2024 at 12:15 pm

        i slept 12 hrs this week too earlier. i have just been doing my stuff and when body/mind acts fried, i integrate. daily now. at least 2 hours a day. now part of my daily routine. and today while i was breaking and partly asleep, i felt a shift go throw my whole body around noon, got up 0245. biggest one yet. i’ll get them dreaming. my veins were busting/ bulging last night. happens often during solar storms. i tingle too more, like electrical man. it seems my waves are tide the the sun now. calm after sunset. 930 – 1130 kicks in. crown still a buzzing. thanks.

      • EricHinkle

        February 22, 2024 at 12:33 pm

        just read your instagram afterwards and that was what i was thinking of my shift. i feel better and more calm. my first thought was that i gained more of my fractals. wow.

      • ouro.9

        February 23, 2024 at 12:34 am

        “healing of the SELF” too relevant for both my emotional AND physical experience at the moment. and for the last 2/3 months at this point. AS WITHIN SO WITHOUT AS ABOVE SO BELOW AS THE UNIVERSE SO THE SOUL

  • ouro.9

    February 23, 2024 at 12:36 am

    can everyone tell me of their body pains? i’m trying to gather some data for a theory i’m working on. also, has anyone been hearing a weird sound coming from the distance in your town? like from the sky, somewhere in it’s depths? sounds like tuning forks. i’m in united states west coast and i’m hearing it. and a friend who is a couple hours away hears it too. also, is it just me or is this random bouts of ear ringing. like as if someone is holding up a recording of a technological RINGING SOUND up to ONE of your ears?? and then it’s gone more suddenly than it arrived?

    • Camille

      February 23, 2024 at 11:33 am

      I have been noticing this a lot too, so I’m interested to hear what others say!

      • ouro.9

        February 26, 2024 at 1:24 am

        frankly, i think it’s hard for usual “city slickers” to pick up on it. and it’s of mostly no fault of their own. i’m back to living in a city for a physical recovery from a sports injury. *screaming patiently and gratefully inside* and i’ve been noticing where i’m at within my practice and journey and truly have been IN THE CLASSROOM. pressure cooker as @Roxane puts it fondly and accurately. there are so many reasons at any moment for the people of cities, where it seems that these unexplained sounds seem to be emanating from and into, to be DISTRACTED. focused in such a numbed out fashion on some screen or chaotic club scene. $2 margaritas for whatever brain dead sporting event is calling the social pressure shots that day. doom scrolling. dissociating. tinder hookups. i’ve been in quite possibly one of the most immersed ambiguous petrifying (at times) editions of my dark night THUS FAR for the past almost 3 months and so my whole world stopped and frankly that gave me the advantage of being able to NOTICE. the sound. it’s so strange. i have videos of it and everything. that and the ringing in the ears that only seems to fluctuate around certain types of solar activity. (let it be known, i do all to debunk with logical explanations before i arise at the conclusion that it is safe to assume it’s a metaphysical or solar or energetic circumstance)

        sending love to all! keep focused and golden!

  • Camille

    February 23, 2024 at 11:35 am

    I am noticing tons of inner child stuff coming up! Emotional, purging, tired, headaches, ear ringing, a bit of anxiety. Trying to breathe through it!

    • Jaco

      February 25, 2024 at 8:47 am

      The feeling is mutual. Holding space for you in love and light.

      • Camille

        February 28, 2024 at 11:05 am

        Thank you, friend! Feeling a little better already! It’s for sure a rollercoaster.

  • Kathryn Deeks

    February 26, 2024 at 11:22 am

    Feel like I am clocking in at night, working on deep connections. My dreams are like a movie. The shamanic connections you mention make sense with retrieval/connection work. Sitting in the sun and feeling in my body has helped with anger and other strong emotions. Bless up all one love. 💜🌈

    THANK YOU Roxane for this forum to link us and all of your open sharing of some impactful and vital knowledge.

  • Roxane

    February 26, 2024 at 7:23 pm

    Energies really ramping up last night and today.. so many cords / lower timelines unwinding in my brain it’s exciting shit is about to get REAL! lol… I think that monster SUN SPOT one of the biggest every recorded that is facing Earth directly is about to pop off again… it was the same sunspot that created those 3 X-class solar flares last week.. get ready for massive clearings on all dimensions!

    • Julie

      March 18, 2024 at 6:31 pm

      Thank God I can now understand my plummeting in February due to solar flares.

  • Jennifer Galligani

    March 29, 2024 at 9:00 am

    Hello & High Vibes,

    Saw a post about dreams and thought I’d chime in here. My dreams have always been vivid and I remember most when I wake so now I’m starting to understand I’m in parallels during this time and I’m not sure what I’m doing or why but always involves finding ways out of a large house, or tunnels, or airports or malls….always driving around insane terrain or trying to locate my missing car. I’m assuming this is my parallel selves escaping/moving or going somewhere like it is my “job” to figure out the puzzle or map…anyone else have these reoccurring dreams?? I’d love to have different dreams because it is just mood altering and getting to be exhausting.

  • Camille

    April 23, 2024 at 5:27 pm

    How’s everyone feeling since the eclipse?? I had a reiki session last night and had a bunch of energy on my head, just stuck. She got the energy to move and I am feeling better. Happy full moon!

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