Lesson 1 of 0
In Progress

Angels + Archangels

Believe it or not, we will eventually go BEYOND the ability to perceive the ARCHANGELS! I still call upon them daily by habit LOL but it’s kinda pointless cause I don’t perceive them anymore, I just imagine them as being always here 🙂 We begin to exist as pure energy and no longer perceive any being as separate or “humanoid”… we just perceive everything as pure geometry patterns, even the light fades as we become pure sound fields!

Archangels are in the 6th dimensional bandwidth, we embody them as we embody the “celestial mind matrix” as we embody 6D by building higher strands of DNA… beyond there are angelic-like celestial type beings but they are existing in different types of “matter” so become even more purely energetic than angelics! We can think of Angels as our purified being that helps lower-consciousness beings such as humans to find themselves and move on their journey of evolution 🙂